Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Kompozer install(ubuntu) and quick review

Ubuntu Kompozer install command:

sudo apt-get install kompozer
Official website : Click Here

After installation on opening Kompozer you will see a tooltip which you can ignore to continue. Next screen shall be as follows, I am numbering items in image to explain them in short in table that follows:

First Screen on opening Kompozer

As a beginner, one should be acquainted with these 5 options at first.
Item Code Short Description
1 Design View : Potrays output as you will see, this is also a WYSIWYG editor where you can directly start editing and relevant HTML witll be generated
2 Split View: Here you see part of HTML  code at bottom of screen and design on top so that you can edit any to get the desire look and feel
3 HTML view: HTML is complete source code view of document with code highlighting functionality for web developer
4 Quick access menu: You are provided with mostly used items on the top so that you can add edit delete most used HTML tags easily. Most of them also have wizard to help you figure out what is to be done
5 DOM explorer: Have you ever imagined a tree with branches and sub branches to its twigs. Well HTML document follows that kind of structure where in everything is inside html tag but could be explored in tree like structure using DOM explorer

You can use this tutorial as base and try to design a webpage in this another post as a start : Next post

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