Thursday, September 1, 2016

Git go to any moment (commit) in time

Get this straight you are accessing repo thats already setup and has commits branches etc in it

Here's how you go to any period of commit in a repo status
Git repo url :
You start by cloning it in your working directory

git clone 004appengine

To know all commits you can find it using this command

git log

To know all branches you can find it using this command

git show-branch -a

This shall give a picture of all flows of development
this in present moment of time is


Commits were

  • false commit (hello world example)
  • Hello world example with commmand to run
  • Users API example 
The command shows
git log
all commit id's
You can switch between branches as
git checkout <branchname>

And go to particular commit by saying 

git checkout <commitid>

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