Thursday, September 1, 2016

Github getting started

Account Part:
Signup to github and then login
once logged in you will see my repo in which you should click on Create New Repository
    Fill in details and say create
On the machine you wish to code and submit changes to github you need a SSH key setup on both peers (mentioned in another tutorial)

Coding Part:
git init 
on your code whereever it is

Code your files (Note: that you are on master right now) [detailed post on branching and merging]

To add all changes say
git add --all
(this stages all non-committed files)

To commit say,
git commit -m 'Your message for the commit'

Syncing part:
You might want to sync this changes to github website so,
Type this 
git remote add origin<username>/<reponame>.git

To send commit to server type
git push --all

This shall get your code on git hub open repository to be shared with all

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