Sunday, March 29, 2015

Project: Webdeveloper Machine(PHP) : Post PHP 001 : Wordpress Multisite Bitnami Stack

Hello Readers,

Here with this post I am achieving a new milestone with configuring a PHP Web Developer Machine of mine.

What I did here is configured Wordpress in a fashion that I can start developing Wordpress Project immediately without conflicts or any admin act. You might wonder why I used bitnami stack the answer is that it is an independent stack thus reduced my overhead; additionally it is a bundle thus one setup and I all all things in place.
Alternative way is to manually configure individual components but obviously it would take more time.

My aim: Have a Wordpress Development Environment ready with required basic dependencies

  1. Creating Wordpress Development Environment ready to be used
  2. Resolving dependencies and keeping them non conflicting with further setup
  3. Reducing time required to start a new wordpress project

Here is what I did in Step by Step format:
Step 1: I downloaded the Wordpress Multisite Bitnami Stack from their official website (for Linux)
Step 2: I followed the steps to access this executable and created a VLog for same; here it is...

  1.  For Linux machine like ubuntu the stack installer needs to be executed with root credentials
  2.  By default the folder for this stack is under opt directory
  3.  The domain/ URL to access is to be set while setup in our case it is localhost
  4.  All the dependencies like Apache, MySql are independently accessible under the directory of 
  1. Wordpress Development Environment ready to be used
  2. Dependencies resolved and non conflicting with further setup
  3. Minimal time required to start a new wordpress project

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