Sunday, March 29, 2015

Project: Webdeveloper Machine(PHP) : Post PHP 000

Hello readers,
Here I am trying to express myself setting up my perfect Webdeveloper Machine(PHP); you might notice PHP in bracket I as wish to categorize all the machine activities only for using the PHP Language.

This is my Post 000, where I decided to go with Ubuntu 14.04.01 as my base OS and install it. For which I made a video recording on steps I followed for installation of Ubuntu below.

I would like to define of my project Webdeveloper Machine(PHP)'s desired outcome and applied objectives to it.

  1. Install and configure a Linux; Configure it for PHP
  2. Test run all frameworks and API's in topping the charts in my knowledge
  3. Building Knowledge Base for same
  4. Additionally create possible bundle for next setup which shall be quicker than present one
  1. Machine at dispose in case of I need to keep resume to develop anything based on PHP language
  2. Minimal resume time to development with easy backup possibility and tremendous version control
  3. Support to adapting changes while coding with PHP language

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